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Treadwell Farms Comes to Canvas Restaurant & Market by Nonahood News

Treadwell Farms Comes to Canvas Restaurant & Market by Nonahood News

by Felicity Mae Gomer

Shopping local not only benefits local businesses but directly benefits small Floridian farmers such as the Treadwell family. The Treadwells’ groundbreaking new products are available at Canvas Restaurant & Market, joining the shelves with other local artisan goods.

Treadwell Farms cultivates and curates small-batch hemp products that have undergone extensive review and quality assurances through being a Fresh from Florida product – the very first CBD company to be approved in using the Fresh from Florida seal. Treadwell offers superbly grown hemp through salves, tinctures, bath salts, gummies, etc., which are now shoppable in person at Canvas.


The hemp industry is arguably one of the most innovative discoveries of recent years, though we can squash the controversy by telling you that CBD is an entirely-safe, non-intoxicating agent that aids anti-inflammation, mood and rest. With the addition of other holistic ingredients like turmeric, orange, ginger and cinnamon for digestion or vanilla, chamomile, lemon balm and valerian root for sleep, CBD is a powerful commodity – not to mention that the rest of the hemp plant can be used sustainably as well.

“What also interested us is that the entire hemp plant can be utilized,” said Jammie Treadwell, CEO and co-owner of Treadwell Farms along with parents Greg and Sharon. “The leaves can be used in salads and other food; the oils from the resinous buds can be incorporated into a variety of ingestible and topical products; and the stems and stalks can be used to create other fibrous materials like clothing, animal bedding and hempcrete – to name a few.”

Jammie Treadwell holds up their new line of CBD products at Treadwell Farms in Umatilla.


The family’s origins are rooted in Floridian farming. They have been in agriculture, producing goods like okra for large corporations and perfecting foliage growth since right after the Civil War. On the farm working alongside Jammie are her parents, sisters and cousins. After years and years of growing vegetables, citrus and foliage, Jammie decided to lead her family through the process of bringing hemp to Florida. They received one of Florida’s very first hemp cultivation licenses and launched their successful hemp farm in May 2020.

As a Fresh from Florida product, consumer safety and quality standards are implemented from the time the seed is put in the ground to the time they are tested by a third-party for CBD content and contaminants.

Jammie had left the family farm to attend Florida State University and work for a Fortune 500 company. After a number of years as a senior healthcare executive, she returned to her roots – pun intended. Jammie suffers from an auto-immune disorder and was always in search of natural remedies and treatments, which had ultimately led her to incorporating hemp into her family’s farm.

Glen and Jammie Treadwell


“Industry experts asked me to travel back and forth to Oregon for a few years to lead a start-up focused on hemp farming and processing,” said Treadwell. “I gained the necessary insight and knowledge of how to best grow the plant in Florida’s soils and how best to control the supply chain, handling everything from planting to extracting.”  

Jammie’s travels have taken her as far as Israel and everywhere in between to perfect hemp cultivation. What resulted was a series of natural, healthful and helpful products that were made with utmost care and precision.

In addition to creating a wonderful product that will benefit people from all walks of life, this truly is a small business. Jammie and her family know each and every one of their 15 farmers personally and consider many of them to be family.

“We are so excited to be a part of Canvas Market, so we want to let Lake Nona know you can find our products there,” said Jammie. “We also would like everyone to know that there is care and intention in each of our products. We grew each hemp plant ourselves or worked closely with the farmers who did.”

Find the perfect CBD product for you at Canvas Restaurant & Market in Lake Nona. Choose from fast-acting tinctures, topical products, delicious gummies with immunity boosting properties, salves, bath bombs, and more to lead yourself to a more healthy and holistic life.

“I will say my favorite part of my job is hearing from my customers, whether it be retailers who are successfully serving their communities with our products or customers who come in and tell me how they are sleeping better, are able to do the things they enjoy like play guitar, garden, or ride their motorcycle, to name a few,” she said. “I know that the products Treadwell Farms makes are meeting needs, and that makes me very happy and fulfilled.”

Check out the original article here:

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