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Bunaglower and the Bus, July 2, 2021

Bunaglower and the Bus, July 2, 2021

Sit Down: Jammie Treadwell of Treadwell Farms


Jammie Treadwell of Treadwell Farms (Facebook | Website), has been involved in Florida-based agriculture her entire life. In fact, her family has lived in Florida since before the Civil War and they have been farming and living the #PlantDaddy life for generations.

Her grandfather was even instrumental in founding the Apopka Foliage Festival, which helped to establish Apopka as the “Indoor Foliage Capital of the World.”

The Treadwells have converted their operations to growing hemp and creating small-batch, organic, artisanal hemp products now and they’re changing the game for local farmers.

Our editor, Brendan O’Connor, had a chance to sit down with Jammie to chat about her family, her business, and the plant at the center of it all just in time for National Hemp Month.

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