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Start Your Day With CBD

Start Your Day With CBD

It’s 9am on a Saturday morning… the sun is peeking through the blinds and my alarm is telling me it’s time to “wake up”!

Hello everyone! This is Clara from Treadwell Farms HQ, and today I’m going to show you how I start (and finish) my day with CBD.

CBD in the Morning

Once I convince myself to leave the coziness of my bed, it’s off to the kitchen for a hot cup o’ joe. Not only is this my favorite way to kick-start the day, but it’s ALSO my favorite way to take my morning CBD oil. I simply add a ¼ dropper of Treadwell Farms Citrus Spice CBD oil to my coffee creamer, and then pour the mixture into my coffee. My morning routine helps me focus, feel relaxed, and be ready to take on whatever the day has in store for me. On days that I skip the coffee, I either take the CBD oil directly under my tongue, or I take a Citrus-C Gummy. After I’ve had my coffee and a light breakfast, it’s off to the gym!


CBD for Pre-Workout

Pre-workout, I like to use a  roll-on for any tight or achy areas on my body. For me, it’s my right shoulder and lower back. I either use the Revive or Relief roll-on depending if I am wanting the additional essential oils of Revive - which are more citrusy, or the additional essential oils of Relief which are more minty. If I use my roll-on before leaving the house, by the time I get to the gym I feel loosened up and ready to go!


CBD for Post-Workout

Post-workout, I like to use a CBD salve (the Cooling Mint is my favorite right now) for my sore/achy areas such as my wrists or knees. This also works great if my hands are sore from weightlifting - I just put it on my hands and rub them together to let the salve soak in and start soothing my hands. I also make sure to add a little Essential Blend CBD oil into my protein smoothie to continue to support my body in feeling it’s best throughout the rest of my day.

CBD for Recipes

With my workout complete, it’s time to finish up the afternoon by catching up on errands, meeting with a couple of friends, and picking out a delicious dinner recipe. I have found that adding a  little CBD oil into one of my salad dressings is the perfect addition to any dinner! This CBD Mango Salad Dressing is my current favorite!

CBD to Unwind

A busy day calls for a nice relaxing soak in the tub. And I have just the thing that will take this bath from good to GREAT… CBD Bath Salts! I used a quick DIY bath salts recipe to make my own, and have been loving this addition to my “me” time. You can find my favorite Citrus CBD Bath Salt Soak recipe HERE. This recipe works great with any of our CBD oils, but I prefer it with the Essential Blend since I tend to have sensitive skin. When I run out of bath salts or don’t have time for a good long soak, I take my shower or bath as usual, but when I get out I use Relief Hemp Body Lotion from head to toe. It’s hydrating, has a pleasant minty scent, and includes CBD for my muscles and joints. 

CBD for Bedtime

Right before climbing into bed, I grab my Treadwell Farms Evening Blend CBD oil. As someone who struggles with falling asleep, this has become a staple product in my nighttime routine. A ¼ dropper is all I need to help me relax my mind and fall into a deep sleep. And what’s great about the Evening Blend, is since it’s so effective with such a small dose, I don’t have to worry about feeling groggy when I wake up in the morning.

Now that I’ve shown you how I start MY day with CBD, how do you Start YOUR Day?

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