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Check-In on YOU

Check-In on YOU
Today is World Mental Health Day -- A perfect opportunity to examine your own mental health and reflect on how you can or what you need to bring balance to your daily life just before we start the busiest, and sometimes, most stressful time of the year.

There are so many different ways and questions to ask when checking in on yourself, but here are just a few to help get you started on some self-reflection and identify your own mental health needs:

How am I feeling today? It is important to asset yourself both mentally and physically because sometimes mental health concerns can show up physically as stress can lead to headaches or body pain and anxiety can sometimes lead to stomachaches or muscle tensions.

What is taking up the most of my headspace? This last year and a half have given everyone enough to worry about, but how are you managing those concerns is what is most important to assess. If you spend most of your time thinking about negative things, you don’t leave enough room for the positive. Understand and do your best to address what is triggering your thoughts.

Am I taking care of my basic needs? Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others, maybe even more important. You can’t take care of anyone else’s needs unless you take care of your own first. Eat good foods, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and sleep between 7 to 9 hours.

What will I engage in today that will bring me joy? Enjoy life’s pleasures by keeping track of what makes you happy and healthy. Set goals, if needed. Make plans for the future, so you always have something positive to look forward to.

Sometimes we all need a little help and extra encouragement. If you find yourself struggling with your mental health, get the help you need. It could be as simple as adding products to your daily routine that support positive mental health or speaking with a professional to help guide you through addressing your stressors.

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